JCR Bumper Test #1076 | Full Potato – Facebook Post January 31, 2018 at 07:30PM

If you have been following along on the saga of, “What Superbowl commercial would JCR run if we had the kind of marketing budget that it takes to buy a Superbowl commercial.” This is the final chapter, the whole enchilada, the full potato.

Can our JCR XJ Defender bumper handle a 6oz potato traveling at 150fps? It’s most scientific test we’ve ever done, and the results are indisputable because you can’t argue with science, just try.

More info @ https://www.facebook.com/JcrOffroad/videos/10156124267863276/

How Metal? – Facebook Post January 25, 2018 at 01:39PM

We obviously can’t afford a Super Bowl commercial, but if we could what would it be? Super dumb humor?
Serious scientific testing? Super serious seriousness? 🤔

JCR Production Manager Casey saw the 1st option we posted on Tuesday and proclaimed it, “super, ultra-lame,” and also said something about, “making a better video with his butt” ???

So we guess the next entry on this horrible fake Super Bowl commercial journey is Casey’s, “How Metal?”

Again, we are sorry.
More info @ https://www.facebook.com/JcrOffroad/videos/10156106051878276/